
Detainees Awareness Forum to uphold the Rights of Detainees

Date: 08/18/2021

The need for legal counsel and supports, rights to communication with family and lawyers, the rights to requalification, and integrations into communities especially for the most vulnerable detainees, remains key to RHRAP education and advocacy intervention. RHRAP provides awareness education lectures to inmates on their rights to legal representation, to communicate with their families and lawyers amongst. the awareness has improved the understanding of their legal rights concerned with detention, information on access to pro bono legal supports, the rights to reintegration into communities, as well as improved living conditions in prisons, and rights to use phones provided by RHRAP and its partner SHED. The provision of the desk phones has established connection between detainees and their families, while the awareness is providing understanding between detainees and prison authorities thus easing fraction/tension in the prisons.


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